Messages from Heaven
Messages from Heaven
Daniel, Jerusalem, 13-Jul-2020
Aba Aba Aba, do you see what's
happening? Do You see what's
happening Aba? I can't believe it's
happening! It's really happening; we
are really approaching the Geula
Shleyma mamash very soon, very
soon Aba, but we'll have to go
through many, many days of fear
and hopelessness and suffering. But
Aba, Beezrat Hashem I hope that by
next year, Pesach-time, we'll be in a
much better situation.
כנסו למידע כאן הרבנית ורד סיאני תמונות
The evil ones think they are
controlling the world. They've been
planning this for centuries to
control the whole world! I hope that
by Pesach-time next year everything
will be much better, much clearer
and we will merit seeing and
greeting Mashiach also.
However, now the situation is very
bad. The evil ones are trying to
control and conquer the whole
entire world. They are trying to put
every single country, every single
city under their rule of evil and
destruction. They have a plan. We
don't know exactly their whole plan
but it's evil, evil, evil.
There is not a country in this
world, at least no country that we
know of, that their leaders are not
part of this new world order, so to
כנסו לקרוא על חלום על אבא שנפטר לפי הקבלה
This new world order that
pretends to care about the people of
the world and wants to make
everybody have equal rights.
Supposedly they want everybody to
be able to do their own thing, to be
free to live as they want.
And the way that they want
everyone to live is totally, totally
against our belief! It's against Our
Jewish heritage. It's totally against
our Torah! It's totally against
everything that we ever learned in
school. They want us to live our lives
based on our animalistic desires.
They want to feed us all kinds of
pleasures and make us drunk from
them. They want to make us
confused and pull us away from
Hakadosh Baruch Hu, from our
G-d. HaKB"H is the only ruler of
the world. He created the world and
He created everything around the
world and beyond the world,
everything in existence He created.
He is everything! There's nothing in
the world that's comparable to
HaKB"H. He is everything!
to Yisrael
If you want to
And these fools are trying to turn
this world into their own private
property that they can control.
They're really fools and they really
are very stupid because they believe
that they can be instead of G-d
How could they believe that they
have any kind of strength even close
to the strength of G-d?! They believe
in the devil himself וזכרו_שמו_ימח.
They believe that the devil has all
the strength. It might sound to some
people like a made-up movie script,
and really it is so incredible and so
ridiculous that it is impossible to